Security concerns keep 1 in 8 EU residents from e-shopping -- 歐盟居民中有八分之一因擔憂網路安全而避免網路購物 Security concerns keep 1 in 8 EU residents from e-shopping 08/02/2008 by Carla Moore One in eight people in the EU 27 avoids e-shopping due to security concerns, says a study conducted by Eurostat, the statistics office of the EU. The data for this study was collected from the 2006 and 2007 surveys on information and communication techn 信用貸款ologies (ICT) usage of individuals from ages 16-74 residing in the EU27. The study found an overall increase in the percentage of individuals turning to the internet for a range of services like shopping and banking. According to Eurostat, the percentage of internet users, defined as individuals aged 16-74 who had used the internet in the last three months, increased from 52 per cent of 租房子 all individuals in 2006 to 57 per cent in 2007. The percentage of e-shoppers, or individuals who have ordered goods or services online, increased from 24 per cent in 2005 to 30 per cent in 2007. The country with the most e-shoppers in is Denmark (55 per cent) followed by the Netherlands (55 per cent), Sweden and the United Kingdom (both 53 per cent). The countries with the least e-shoppers are Bulgari 澎湖民宿a and Romania (both 3 per cent) followed by Lithuania (6 per cent). E-banking also saw an increase in the EU27, with the percentage of individuals using internet banking services increasing from 38 per cent to 44 per cent. E-banking is most prevalent in Finland (84 per cent) followed by Estonia (83 per cent) and the Netherlands. The countries with the least e-banking activity are Bulgaria (5 per cent), Romania (7 per ce 土地買賣nt) and Greece (12 per cent). While many EU residents are using the internet for shopping and banking, there are still some that are concerned about security. E-commerce is affected by this concern over security, with 12 per cent of individuals in the EU27 saying that they avoided ordering goods or services over the internet because of worries about giving credit card or personal details online. These security and privacy concerns wer 酒店經紀e most common in Spain (27 per cent), Finland (26 per cent) and Cyprus (20 per cent). Another internet security concern is internet viruses. Nearly a quarter of internet users had had a computer virus in the preceding 12 months, which resulted in a loss of information or time. Virus attacks were most frequent in Lithuania (41 per cent of users), Slovenia (35 per cent) and Malta (34 per cent) and least common in the Czech Republic (7 per cent), Estoni 591a (15 per cent) and Sweden (16 per cent). Nearly a quarter of internet users say they always or almost always made safety copies or back up files from their computer. The highest proportions of individuals making safety copies were found in Greece (43 per cent of users), France (35 per cent) and Malta (34 per cent), and the lowest in Poland (13 per cent), Estonia (14 per cent) and Sweden (15 per cent). 系統傢俱 歐盟網路安全大調查 丹麥荷蘭網上購物最流行 2008-02-09 09:40:53  來源:國際線上專稿  編輯:姚培 國際線上專稿(記者王堅):在2月12日第5個歐盟“網路安全日”到來前夕,歐盟統計局8日公佈的一份調查顯示,網上購物在丹麥和荷蘭最為流行。而在歐盟最年輕的兩個成員國保加利亞和羅馬尼亞,人們對這種購物方式似乎還不習慣。   這項自2006年至2007年間展開的調查,對象涉及歐盟27個成員國16歲到74歲的網民。根據調查結果,從事網上購物的歐盟人口比例逐年上升,從2005年的24%增至2007年的30%。所佔人口比例最高的歐盟成 宜蘭民宿員國是丹麥和荷蘭,均達到55%;其次是瑞典和英國,為53%;而所佔人口比例最低的則是最新加入歐盟的保加利亞和羅馬尼亞,都只有3%。   調查結果還顯示,有12%的歐盟公民在此前的一年裏從未上網購物,他們主要是擔心自己的信用卡資料或其他個人資訊被線上竊取。其中,西班牙人和芬蘭人對網上購物的安全性最不放心,拒絕上網購物的人口比例分別高達27%和26%。   調查同時發現,歐盟的網上銀行業務也呈日趨流行之勢,用戶比例從2006年的38%上升至2007年的44%。網上銀行用戶比例最高的歐盟成員國是芬蘭和愛沙尼亞,分別達84%和83%;最 土地買賣低的仍是保加利亞和羅馬尼亞,分別是5%和7%。   另外,根據調查結果,近四分之一的歐盟網路用戶在過去一年裏遭遇過至少一次病毒襲擊,最嚴重的情況發生在立陶宛、斯洛維尼亞和馬爾他,分別有41%、35%和34%的網民經歷過病毒之苦。而在捷克、愛沙尼亞和瑞典三國上網安全性最高,有過染毒記錄的網路用戶分別只有7%、15%和16%。   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 591  .

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