葛瑪蘭客運推便利卡 全票可享85折 葛瑪蘭汽車客運公司將在下個月23日推出「優惠便利卡」,持卡購票可享有全票85折優惠, 酒店經紀並以電話訂位,省去排隊購票的麻煩。 車站有專屬取票 訂做禮服窗口 行駛國道5號路線的葛瑪蘭客運,目前僅開放上網預購車票及到站購 褐藻醣膠票,「優惠便利卡」上路後,持卡人可撥專線電話訂位,每個車站都設有專屬取票窗口;近 澎湖民宿日內提供表格供人申請,每張卡要100元工本費及1000元以上的儲值金,卡內儲值金會在購票時自動抵扣。 葛瑪 酒店經紀蘭客運業務部經理李俊仁說,持卡人在指定班次發車前的20分鐘,撥打專線電話,便有專人服務,完成購票後,趕在發車前5 開幕活動分鐘到站取票即能上車﹔卡友等同於葛瑪蘭客運的VIP會員,不必和一般乘客排隊等候購票。 葛瑪蘭客運公司在民國96年11月營運後,採全天候發車 土地買賣,單日最多載客數有8000人次,淡季低檔1天也有3000人次以上乘客,成為宜蘭、台北間重要的大眾運輸工具。李俊仁希望「優惠便利卡」問世,縮短購票時間,帶給 房地產乘客更好的服務品質。 儲值額度 上限1萬元 「優惠便利卡」儲值金額如果即將見底,服務人員會提醒持卡人儲值,礙於法令限制,儲值額度以1萬元為上限﹔使用3600元額度的消費 設計裝潢券儲值,除享有85折優惠,並另贈1張宜蘭到台北的車票。 「優惠便利卡」購票服務專線:(02)2968-3652,服務時間上午7點到晚間10點,總公司電話:(03)960-6537。 (2009/02/24 自由電子報 東森房屋)  .

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          富樂夢教育基金會,推廣「換換擦,救地球」活動 富樂夢教育基金會,推廣「換 結婚西裝換擦,救地球 賣房子」活動,行動車昨天開進宜 租屋網蘭市南屏國小,開放小朋友拿使用過的PVC橡皮 新成屋擦兌換全新的非PVC無毒橡皮擦,一直到8日,該行動車都會在宜 小型辦公室蘭,民眾看到車就可以前往換新擦子。 富樂夢教育基金會副執行長賴美 591璁指出,市售橡皮擦有9成含有PVC毒性,該基金會計畫花4個月時間,繞行台灣一圈,準備60萬個非 關鍵字排名PVC橡皮擦讓民眾兌換,同時呼籲大家正視PVC製品對環境及健康帶來的潛在危害。 昨天巡迴行動車開進宜蘭市南屏國小, 酒店工作各班級小朋友拿著舊擦子,開開心心換新擦子,今天行動車會在頭城國小駐點,6日在公正國小,7日礁溪國小,8日在馬賽國小,放?租房子廑}放外校小朋友去兌換,他們還會到大賣場、菜市場等處宣傳,只要看到行動車,民眾都可以拿舊的PVC橡皮擦,換一塊新擦。 【2010/10/05 聯合 有巢氏房屋報】  .

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          宜蘭旅遊~冬山森林公園 冬山森林公園位於冬山河上游處,介於河道與台 辦公室出租9省道間 訂做禮服,面積約16公頃, 利 房屋貸款用冬山河坡面加以整治及綠美化,以森林 酒店經紀主題為主, 創造豐富的自然生態環境,將與冬山 土地買賣河融為一體成自然形態的森林公園。 除此之外,還設有冬山河鐵路橋、 房屋出租兒童遊樂區及賞鳥平台、步道....等設施,是個兼具休閒與自然生態的森林公園。 《冬山河鐵路橋 酒店工作》 《兒童遊樂區》 《公園一隅景觀》 《公園一隅景觀》 可是不知道是什麼原因,目前公園雜草橫?西服矷A兒童遊樂設施遭受破壞,卻未能看到有關單位去維護!這難道又是政黨輪替的結果?不禁要讓人再問一句:好的政策不能延續嗎? 酒店兼職還是有其它的原因呢?誰能告訴我呢? 交通路線:走台9省道到冬山,介於河道與台9省道間,到冬山河森林公園《中國石油 冬山加油站旁》 房地產  .

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          萬長春圳水門公園 合併邱吳成圳及長慶源圳的萬長春圳閘門,建於1952年由中美技術合作完成,是安農溪 會場佈置下游的重要水利設施,具有防洪排?會場佈置蠙曀@等功能,早年的萬長春是羅東人人皆知的遊覽勝 澎湖民宿地,也成就不少青春歲月的浪漫愛情。 自閘門至萬長春橋一段,河 西裝道寬敞、魚源豐富,更有眾多水鳥聚集飛舞,景觀渾然天成。  為配合政府提倡休 室內設計閒旅遊政策,由宜蘭農田水利會開闢了萬長春圳公園。 園內有八角涼亭,有盧纘祥、藍祿准、羅文炳等人 西服題刻 1956年,還特地集資興建「澤廣春長」紀念碑,閘門處落款有「行政院長俞鴻鈞」題刻,以追念並感懷閘門帶來的好處 室內裝潢,並作為宜蘭水利史的重要標記。 現在的園區又多了一座古農具文物館, 並且增加許多的涼亭與設施,  深長的意義加上柔 設計裝潢和的景觀環境,不論何時,萬長春閘門都是我們散心遊賞的最佳選擇喔。 交通資訊: 1.由羅東市區搭觀光巴士往羅東運動公園,到公園後步行走向三 酒店經紀星大洲方向,過北成橋, 迴轉走橋下堤防邊,即可到達. 2.騎機車或腳踏車,由羅東運動公園往三星大洲方向,過北成橋,迴轉走橋下堤防邊 情趣用品  .

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          當十二星座之受到了侮辱 白羊座 會很憤怒地說:敢侮辱我!說完就衝上去打那個人,並且還會奮力擺脫來勸架的人說:放開我,不要攔我,讓我扁他!  金牛座 會很不在乎地對那人說?結婚西裝G你說我是豬不代表我就是豬啊!然後在眾人驚訝的眼光中離開,像什麼也沒有發生一樣。  雙子座 善辯且喜歡為人 澎湖民宿之師的一定會對那個人說:做任何一件事情都需要理由,侮辱別人也需要理由,我不認識你,你不認識我,你侮辱我顯然是沒有理由的。並且, 酒店打工侮辱別人是不對的,我們要學會理智,要懂禮貌,講文明,做一個好青年,侮辱別人會給別人心靈造成傷害,尤其是會影響小弟弟小妹妹們的健康成長~直到侮辱 租屋網他的那個人聽到上吊為止。 巨蟹座 一開始是努力地壓抑著自己的憤怒,直到那個人侮辱了他的親人,他終於像火山一樣爆發了,並且一發不可收拾。  獅子座 自信甚至有 租屋網點自大的獅子座肯定很不屑的說:跟你這種爭論,只會降低我的身份!  處女座 處女座的人定會很冷靜,很理智地分析那個人侮辱他的原因,動機,目的,大腦裏迅速列出100條報復的方案 烤肉食材,並依次權衡利弊,並且組織一套很經典,很完美的辯詞,剛準備開口時,發現那個人早走了。  天秤座 而天秤座呢?他們會很有紳士風度的面對侮辱,並且始終保持笑容,然後說:我們之間一定有什麼誤會, 酒店工作冤家易結不易解,我們還是坐下來談談吧!然後會很大方的請那個人吃飯。  天蠍座 天蠍們會很不爽的喝道:你敢再說一遍?!那個人依舊我行我素,這時,天蠍們會很認真的說:XXX!然後抬腿走人,幾步之後,回頭丟下一 婚禮佈置句我保留報復的權利,你會死的很難看! 人馬座 性格平靜,外向,好奇的人馬座定會滿臉疑惑的不停地對那些圍觀的人說:我又不認識這個人,也沒有惹他,他為什麼要侮辱我呢?沒有道理呀!為什麼我會遇到這種人呢?  山羊座 本 室內裝潢來想把那個人海扁一頓,但還是克制住了自己,認真地看清了那個人的相貌特徵,然後一聲不吭的走開。一個月之後,那個人受到了N次不明襲擊。  水瓶座 果斷而又有反叛性格的水瓶座一定會報復,但他一定回用一種別人從未用過的手段徹底的報復。&nbs 租房子p;   .

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          將要被淘汰的8種人 將要被淘汰的8種人 不景氣的社會,一定會淘汰不爭氣的人。如 室內設計何不被淘汰,只 酒肉朋友要你不在這八種人之內。如果你 住商房屋在其中之內,那就趕緊提升來學習~~1》八小時之?裝潢~不學習的人。胡適先生說:人與人的區別在於八小時之外如何運用。有 591時間的人不能成功,擠時間的人才能成功。八小時之內決定現在,八小時之外決定未來。 結婚西裝什麼樣的想法什麼 樣的生活。有學習才有選擇權,沒有知識,要有常識,沒有常識,走進教室。不是社會發 ARMANI展太快,是我們思維反應太慢,為什麼我們思維太慢,是我們沒有跟上學 習。人生有兩大悲哀:結婚之後不再戀愛,畢業以後?賣屋ㄕb學習。拒絕學習,就是拒絕成長。家長不學習,會被孩子看不起並且和孩子有代溝。夫妻一方不學習,就會有隔閡,學習的人如同長 澎湖民宿高的樹,自然會有高藤來纏。一個人不 學習,就會與社會脫節,跟不上時代步伐,人活在21世紀,思想在20世紀,究竟學什麼?不是學打工的技術,而是學創業 找房子的本領。  .

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          FBR REPORT: Killing of Villagers, Deadly Landmines, and .... Saw Da Cho Cho, shot by Burma Army, August 2008 FBR REPORT: Killing of Villagers, Deadly Landmines, and Women Forced to Work for the Burma Army Northern Karen State, BurmaSeptember, 2008 Introduction: Burma Army attacks remain frequent in the northern Karen State; shoot-on-sight killings and the destruction of crops remain the primary concern for those in hiding, and the subjugation and deliberate starvation of ethnic Karen villagers continues as the Burma Army attempts to consolidate its rule and squeeze displaced populations into areas it can control. Following attacks which displaced more than 30,000 people in northern Karen State between early 2006 and 2008, the Burma Army has slowed its offensive but has not eased in its ill-treatment of Burma's ethnic minorities. Forced labor, extortion, theft and harassment are commonplace for villagers living under the Burma Army and these abuses are conducted with impunity. Map of affected areasThe following reports are only a sample of the numerous instances of Burma Army cruelty and exploitation which occur daily throughout Burma, including in areas under complete military control, those under attack and those in which the Burma Army is attempting to completely cut off interaction between villagers under its authority and those displaced and hiding in the mountains. Mon Township of Nyaunglebin District and Tan-tabin Township of Toungoo District, two of the areas covered in this report, are areas that have been especially targeted in the Burma Army's offensive and rapid militarization since early 2006. Unless the Burma Army ceases its efforts to militarize and control these areas, abuses such as the murder, r 賣屋ape, starvation and displacement of those in hiding, and the severe oppression of those within its control, will continue. Toungoo District: Burma Army attacks against IDPs, and sweeps to locate and terrorize IDP populations and destroy their means of livelihood have increased in Toungoo District over the last several months. Designed to make life terrifying and impossible for people in hiding, the Burma Army hopes to brutalize these Karen villagers into submission, further solidifying its grip on power throughout Burma. While there have been few reports of villages being burned down in 2008, this is in large part due to the Burma Army's large-scale attacks in 2006 and 2007 in which numerous villages were burned and thousands of villagers were forced into more remote, precarious and unsustainable situations. IDPs are now living in smaller groups, building more temporary housing structures, and must now venture further into areas recently occupied by Burma Army troops in order to cultivate and gather enough food for basic survival. This, along with a marked increase in Burma Army activity, has resulted in an increase in reports of villagers and families being surprised and attacked by Burma Army troops in their farms or gardens. Burma Army Troops Shoot and Kill Two Villagers, Wound One and Capture Others; Burma Army Shelling Kills 15-year-old Boy and Wounds 14-year-old; 60-year-old Woman Killed by Burma Army LandmineFBR team provides medical treatment to IDPs in hiding. On 4 August 2008, soldiers from MOC 10 based in Bawgali Gyi were patrolling in the area between Bawgali Gyi and Ler Koh village when they spotted and immediately shot Saw Da Cho Cho, 38, a local 租房子villager who happened to be walking in the area. The troops shot him in the spine, he collapsed, and died soon after. On 16 August, 2008, Burma Army troops captured Saw Dar Koe Ko, 50, from the area of Maw Pa Der village. Saw Dar Koe Ko was then killed sometime over the next several days as his body was later found by villagers on 20 August. It was not reported where his body was found or where exactly he was captured. The troops who killed him were from LIB 362, under Commander Thein Htun, from MOC 10. Saw May Htoo, 15, was killed on 12 September when Burma Army troops shelled Klay Soe Kee village. That same day they also shelled into a nearby betel nut plantation and seriously injured Saw Da Boe Bo, 14. The troops are from MOC 10, LIB 364. On 5 September, MOC 10 troops on patrol laid landmines in the Hsaw Wah Der area. Naw Say Paw, aged 60, had returned from her forced relocation site in the plains to check on her plantation and stepped on one of these mines; she was killed instantly. On 7 June, 2008, the Burma Army attacked the area of Maung Nay Pwar, sweeping the area for people in hiding. One villager, Saw Nay Soe, was shot in the leg by the attacking troops, but managed to escape. The troops continued with the sweep after shooting him, but there were no further reports of wounded villagers. The attacking soldiers were from MOC 21. LIB 368 also attacked around the same time in the area of Kaw Thay Der village. No casualties were reported, however the troops did burn down cardamom plantations belonging to local villagers. LIB 368 is under the command of Tin Ko Ko and is in TOC 3 of MOC 10. On 24 June, four villagers, including Saw Mya Lay Htoo and Saw Commardo, were c 苗栗旅遊aptured by the Burma Army in a betel nut plantation. While two of the villagers were subsequently released, Mya Lay Htoo and Commardo were taken to Tha Aye Hta camp. It has not yet been reported if they have been released. Cardamom field burned by the Burma Army, June 2008. Forced labor and stolen food Beginning on 7 August, 2008, Burma Army troops under MOC 10, stationed in Bawgali Gyi (Kler La) village, forced villagers who own vehicles to transport rocks from Toungoo Town to their camp in Bawgali Gyi. These vehicle owners were forced to make at least two trips per week during this period. At around the same time, each household in nearby Kaw Thay Der was also forced by troops under MOC 10 to cut seven lengths of bamboo for the Burma Army's use in their local camp. Additionally, people from the villages of Kler La, Kaw Soe Ko, Kaw Thay Der, Wa Tho Ko, Ga Mu Der, Der Doh and Maw Koh Der were forced to make improvements to the local Burma Army camps. Throughout this period, the Burma Army also halted all villager trade from Kler La to Toungoo. Villagers weren't allowed to collect food in the mountains and sell their produce in Toungoo, including items such as durian fruit, mangosteens, and betel nut. This trade is a large part of the villagers' income, and this denial of movement has caused a significant problem for a number of local residents. On 13 September, 2008, Burma Army MOC troops blocked 200 villagers from the plains area from working on their fruit and cardamom plantations at Pa La Wah. MOC 10 is commanded by Ko Ko Hla. On 3 September, Burma Army troops entered Kaw Tha Kaw village, stealing many of the villagers' belongings. The local pastor was robbed of two baskets of 裝潢 rice, 400,000 kyat, one gold necklace and one ring. These troops were under the command of Kyaw Zay Ya. On 2 September, 57 villagers were forced to carry supplies from the Burma Army's camp at Play Hsa Lo to their new camp at Htee Pla Day. The villages included in the forced labor were Play Hsa Lo, Yaw Lo, Paung Pai, and Plaw Baw Der. Nyaunglebin District: Ler Doh Township: Villager executed for listening to radio On 2 September, 2008, the SPDC fishery department demanded 100,000 kyat from each lake owner in the plains villages, purportedly for the purpose of helping cyclone recovery. Then, on 6 September, IB 60 commander Ko Ko Aung and IB 264 deputy battalion commander forced each lake owner to pay 50,000kyat for the battalion. The commanders also demanded 7 villages to give a new soldier, or pay 250,000 kyat. The villages are P'deh Gon, Thu Ka Bee, Noh Gaw, Wei La Daw, Pa Ta La, Aye Net, Tetu, and Le Wei Gyi. On 15 September, Burma Army troops captured the lake owners who could not pay the money, all together 4 owners. They were sent to Tetu Burma Army camp. One of them was released, but another, Saw Oh Thi, was sent on to IB 60 battalion headquarters where he was accused additionally of listening to the radio and shot and killed by IB 60 Colonel Ko Ko Aung. It has not been reported whether the others have been released yet. On 17 September, Ler Doh operation commander Colonel Soe Tha ordered that all farm and garden huts be destroyed, with no one allowed to live in their fields. At the same time, Div. 101 Lt. Gen. Maung Maung Oo ordered that all villagers stay out of the jungle or be killed. These sort of restrictions make it extremely difficult for villagers to harvest and/or forage enough 帛琉food to survive. Mon Township: Landmines, Forced Labor and Relocation, and Extortion On 24 June, 2008, Saw Than Maung, from Maladaw village, stepped on a Burma Army landmine near Ta Kwey Lay Ko village. Burma Army landmines continue to pose a significant threat even to villagers living in areas under Burma Army control. Maladaw is one of the villages in northwestern Karen State that was attacked and designated as a forced relocation site by the Burma Army in April 2006. It is now home to a major new camp that has been the launching site of numerous attacks against villagers who remain in hiding. Also on 24 June, Burma Army Lib 351 exchanged with LIB 387, under MOC 21. Then on 28 June the Burma Army sent 400 more troops to Tha Pyi Nyut camp, another relocation site and army camp established in 2006. On 2 June, Tin Bo Aung, commander of LIB 599, began forcing villagers in the area of Kyaung Bya and Mya Taung to pay a tax for every farm hut they build in their fields. This edict seems to serve the dual purpose of creating additional income for the battalion, and also discourages villagers from working and staying in their fields. The Burma Army wants to control all villager movement so as to limit interaction between those in the plains and those hiding in the mountains. A number of plains villagers are now facing a severe shortage of food, partially as a result of this new tax, and some have chosen to abandon their fields in favour of finding alternative sources of income. On 10 June, several Burma Army camp commanders under LIB 599 began demanding a tax of 100 kyat per bicycle travelling along the road from Mon Township to Kyauk Kyi Township. The commanders are Captain War Ga Na and Sergeant Myint Tin from Aung Lung Se 房地產in camp, and Sergeant Win Naing with Sergeant Htein Lin from Kyung Pin Zeik camp. Also on 10 June, Soe Win, the secretary of Kyauk Kyi Township, demanded that every villager who owns a motorcycle shop must pay a tax of 5,000 kyat, any villager who owns land to build a house must pay 10,000 kyat and all other households must pay 2,500 kyat. Military commanders in areas throughout Burma continue to demand taxes from impoverished villagers despite the total lack of services provided by the Junta. On 30 June, Burma Army Lib 599 forced villagers to stay in their villages following the defection and surrender to the KNLA of two Burma Army soldiers from LIB 439. The affected villages were Ta Kaw Pwa, Wai Swan, Nge Pwa Daw, War Do Klar, Ko Ni, Kyun Pin Zeik, No Nya La, Si Pa Ler, Haw Hta Plaw, Al Law Si and Shan Lay Si. Frequent restrictions on movement like this make farming and trade very difficult for people in these areas. On 2 July, Burma Army LIB 590 forced villagers from Myaung Oo, Htee To Lo and Si Pin Tha villages to help build a Burma Army camp near Htee To Lo village. The orders came from Saw Moe Win, the battalion 2nd-in-command. On 18 July, Burma Army Lib 590 demanded 50,000 kyat from Paung Zeik villagers and 50,000 kyat from Aung Chang Tha villagers. These troops are under the Paung Zeik camp commander Aung Win Htay. On 19 July, the Myaung Oo camp commander Tun Win demanded 50,000 kyat from Myaung Oo village, 25,000 kyat from Paung Zeik villagers and 25,000 kyat from Aung Chan Tha villagers, making a total of another 100,000 kyat. The following day, on 20 July 2008, LIB 590 battalion commander Ko Ko Oo demanded 75,000 kyat from Myaung Oo villagers, 75,000 kyat from Aung Chan Tha villagers, and 40,000 kyat from Kyauk Tan vil 東森房屋lagers, for an additional 190,000 Kyat. Report from Kyaung Bya village, Mon Township: Villagers forced to vote for SPDC and arbitrary taxation A Kyaung Bya villager recently reported that Burma Army abuses such as extortion and forced labor continue in the village. Burma Army Lib 599, which has set up a new camp near the village, demands 500 kyat every month per household to support the battalion with food. Every day they also force six villagers to work as security at the camp. During the recent referendum, despite the villagers' desire to vote against the SPDC, the Burma Army forced villagers to vote for them. With the excuse of helping areas in the Delta affected by the cyclone, the camp commander has also demanded 10,000 kyat from each person with a television, 6,000 kyat from every farmer and 4,000 kyat from each widow. Villagers from Kyaung Bya gather, 28 June, 2008Interrogation and Forced Relocation after Villager Steps on Mine On his way back from Kyauk Kyi, where he was interrogating a villager who stepped on a landmine, the commander of TOC 2 under the Burma Army's Southern Command, Khin Maung Oo, stopped his car near Aung Soe Moe Burma Army camp and ordered the local camp commander, Mya Maung, to forcibly relocate Aung Soe Moe village. He demanded that the relocation must finish on 20 June, 2008, by 1200 hrs. The TOC commander said he did not want to see any villagers at Aung Soe Moe village and if he saw any villagers they would be shot. The villagers packed their clothes but did not know where to go. It has not yet been reported if the villagers have had to move again, but they were worried about the situation as their village had already been ordered to move twice in 2007 and once in 2008. The mine victim, a villager from Kyaw Ng 房屋貸款er, stepped on a landmine in Kyaung Chay Thit Zone 4 in Mon Township. He had been to see a KNU officer to ask for a permit for gold mining within Zone 4. The KNU officer told him that this area was off limits, but the villager bought a machine and placed it in the area anyway, in the process stepping on a landmine. He was sent to the hospital in Kyauk Kyi to get medical treatment and while he was in the hospital the TOC commander came to see him. The commander was in the area for three days, 16-18 June, and asked him many questions about the circumstances of the incident. On 22 August, 2008, one soldier from Burma Army MOC 21, LIB 276, defected to the KNLA. This came after a Burma Army corporal from LIB 387, patrolling in the Wah Kee area—the market area for villagers from the plains and mountain areas—stepped on a landmine at Ka Moe Chi Kon village. As a result of this, Burma Army troops blocked the passage of the plains villagers to Wah Kee, thus shutting down local trade between the mountain and plains. This particularly affected villagers from Ka Wor Ko, Thet Baw Dor, Yaw Ke, Play Ke, Nwa Lay Ko, Ta Na Ta, Ka Pa Hta, Na Htee Ko, and Nya Mu Ke villages. Earlier, on 2 July, LIB 590, No. 2 battalion commander, Saw Moe Win, forced villagers from Myaund Oo, Htee To Lo, and Si Bin Tha villages to build an army camp near Htee To Lo village. On July 27, LIB 590 commander Aung Win Oo forced villagers from Mi Tai Taw, Aung Chan Tha, and Paw Pi Dor villages to build a security hut and then take security for him. Mon Township: 10 villagers—6 women and 4 men—captured by Burma Army On 26 August, 2008, troops from MOC 21 captured 10 villagers who were gathering their harvest near old Kgo Pu village. Six of the captured villagers were women; the soldiers took them to Hs 吳哥窟aw Me Le camp and then released them. The remaining 4 men they held at Muthe Camp until 2 September and then they released them. The villagers were from Kgo Pu and Hsaw Me Lu village. Note: Burma Army no. 2 SOC commander, Col. Win Nyut, replaced Col. Khin Maung Oo on 20/8/08 at BA IB 60 camp at Tha Bo. Hsaw Hti Township: In Doo Pa Leh and Hti Bla villages there are 49 IDP families, with 299 people. There are two Burma Army camps in this area, one built this year and one relocated to Mayaw Ko. Burma Army Division 101 is stationed in this area with at least 3 battalions active in the area. Last year, these villages were attacked and their rice harvest disrupted and they now do not have enough food. This is creating health problems: in seven days, the FBR team treated 95 people for health issues including malaria, acute respiratory infection, dysentery, and malnutrition. Additionally, because of the instability of the situation, the school is not in session regularly and the children receive little teaching. Thaton District Note: the above map does not include Thaton District, which is located directly south of the areas shown on the map, and north of Pa-an District. During the month of August, Burma Army troops forced villagers from Noh Bah Baw village to cut 1000 lengths of bamboo to build up the Yo Klar Burma Army camp. The troops stationed at this camp are from MOC 19, IB 62. They are commanded by Hling Soe, with Kyaw Thu Ra as second-in-command. The troops demanded 500 lengths on 8 August, 100 on 19 August, and the last demand, for 400 lengths, came on 29 August, 2008. Women from Thaton District forced to carry bamboo for Burma Army, August 2008. Women with their children carrying bamboo for Burma Army camp, August 2008. http://www.freeburmarangers.org/Reports/2008/20081002 房屋買賣.html  .

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          莫名奇妙的事 最近老是遇見一些莫名奇妙的人, 今天早上,收到一封電子郵件,上面指責我「詐欺」他, 這是他指控我的內容:你根本沒有寄出,我到現在仍為未收到,如果你想以這種矇騙的手法來騙取匯款,我是不會寬容的,必定追查到底,讓詐騙者知道詐欺公務人員將觸犯何罪及有何下場! 故事的來源,就是我將上一個月空中英語教室,網拍給他,而寄件出去之後,到目前為此,他還沒收到。 於是,他就給我來了上面的信。 以下是我的回信內容: 你先生先弄清楚一下:郵件丟包有很多的原因,這可以去查詢!照理說,我在郵包上有寫你的電話,若是寄錯住址了,拿到的人當會告知你,而且,上面也有我的電話,我的住址,郵差當會告訴我,你現在還未收到,就是郵寄過程出了問題而已:至於說我騙取匯款!你也太過分了吧,事情發生了,大家想法子解決,才是成熟的表現,不用用這種漫罵的口氣,你是不會寬容的!先生,請你去看一下我的「評價」內容,我幾時詐騙過別人?動則說人是詐騙者,你是存什麼心?若是詐騙,刑法叫詐欺罪,第 339 條 意圖為自己或第三人不法之所有,以詐術使人將本人或第三人之物交付者,處五年以下有期徒刑 澎湖民宿、拘役或科或併科一千元以下罰金。以前項方法得財產上不法之利益或使第三人得之者,亦同。前二項之未遂犯罰之。誰被詐欺了,都是一樣的嚴重,跟你是不是公務員有什麼關係!現在的情況,只能算是民法的債務不履行,我是處於給付遲延的狀態!我有用過什麼詐術了?必定追查到底,快點,先查一下你們附近的郵局好不好,和你們的信箱問問你的親人朋友,是不是他們先拿了,還是你們同棟的鄰居誤拿了!這都是常常發生的事!不用用這種口氣說話,我還沒窮到這種程度,騙你六十塊,我是吃飽了撐著是不是!你如果要無理取鬧,我奉陪到底!第 169 條 意圖他人受刑事或懲戒處分,向該管公務員誣告者,處七年以下有期徒刑。意圖他人受刑事或懲戒處分,而偽造、變造證據,或使用偽造、變造之證據者,亦同。誣告罪可是比詐欺罪嚴重多了,你要胡鬧,要鬧上法院,我就奉陪,什麼要我知道詐騙公務員有什麼下場!我只知道公務員若是犯了刑法,會依刑法一百三十四條,加重其刑二分之一。也就是說,我告你誣告,你的罪會更重!要嚇唬人,也要有專業知識,你當我是誰?想嚇唬我?房屋買賣O怎樣?現在怎麼解決!一、再等看看,看會不會寄不到你那,最後又寄回來給我!二、截走你的郵件的人,將信還給你!三、請你再查一下,是不是你的親人朋友替你收走了!四、就這樣消失了!那樣算我債務不履行,算是契約取消,依照民法規定,回覆原狀,我將錢再匯還給你,取消交易!之後,我再向郵局追究丟包的過失,叫他們賠我錢!請先照上面的情況,看要怎麼解決!沒寄回來給我,就代表是有人截走了!那時就契約取消,回覆原狀,我將六十元匯回給你!我再去向郵局追究,他們不履行託運契約的責任。我知道一直收不到會很讓人生氣,但是你沒憑沒據就說我詐欺,我可是不能認同的!民事問題,就民事解決,還沒窮到去詐欺人家的六十塊,說我詐欺人六十塊,你是在羞辱我是不是?「有何下場」公務員沒那麼偉大!去唬唬別人就好,別來唬我!你這種爛用公務員名聲的行為,是不合公務員服務法第五條公務員應誠實清廉,謹慎勤勉,不得有驕恣貪惰,奢侈放蕩,及治遊賭博,吸食毒等,足以損失名譽之行為。當個公務員,是為民公僕,不是動則說我是公務員,讓你知道我有多厲害!這樣濫 燒烤用公務員名聲的行衡,是有損公務員名譽!我們國家的公務員這個頭銜,不是讓人用來證明他有多行的!請不要濫用公務員的名聲來恐嚇人!來自大其身!我沒有詐騙你的意思,去查一下我的評價,我每個月將看完的空英都以六十元賣出,可沒有人說我詐欺過,就只是在郵件的寄送程出了問題,就說我詐欺,你太過分!我也不能忍受這種指控!你要無理取鬧,我也奉陪到底!我也會讓你認識,我是什麼樣的一個角色!最後一句,先去查一下,是不是有人拿了你的信件,我是寄平信的,不是被你的家人拿走了吧! 這年頭是怎麼了?怎麼當個好人這麼難? 這人是怎麼搞的?「公務人員」也是讓人拿來說自已有多厲害的理由嗎? 若是身為公務人員,當要自知,當你犯法的時候, 你所要面對的責任是大過於一般人的,一般人只有刑事責任,而公務員還要負行政責任, 也就是說,一濫用職權,影響公務員「身譽」,就有被考積處分的危險, 這人是怎麼回事?要我和爭論,還強調他是個公務人員! 他以為這樣是能增長自已的聲勢嗎? 這反而是自暴其短給我,我要告訴他的上級,他拿這理由對我威嚇,他會不被處分嗎? 就 節能燈具是一個民事問題而已,說話說的這麼嚴重! 最重要的!我覺得被狠狠的羞辱了! 「喂!你當我是什麼啊?我窮瘋了是不是!詐騙你六十元?」 看不起我是不是!我要幹,也只幹大的,騙小錢,你瞧不起我啊! 要鬧就鬧,我奉陪到底就是! 想起了以前一個末名奇妙的女人的事! 我有一次,在路口等紅燈過馬路的時候, 忽然一發動,就聽到身後有人跌倒的聲音, 於是回過頭去看,就看到一個小女生騎車摔倒了,台語叫「黎田」, 於是好心的我,馬上停車,下車去關心, 注意哦!她是摔在在我的身後哦! 那時我很好心的去扶她,看看她有沒有怎樣了! 我和她有沒有事,看她沒有事的樣子(事實上下巴在流血) 我想沒事就好,於是就要走! 沒想到,這婆娘突然給我來一句, 「喂!我車摔成這樣,人受傷,你要怎麼賠,怎麼負責!」 一陣錯阨! 哇?!我是好心下車看妳有沒有事,妳怎麼突然賴我, 我是好惹的嗎! 第一句話!我說叫警察來處理! 「叫警察嗎?」「對」「等警察來處理!」 我沒有手機,於是拿她的手機,打電話報警處理! 這時,在等待的過程中, 這個小妞做出了讓我難以想像的「笨舉動」 婚禮顧問 當著我的面,她又打電話給她的朋友親人,還當著我的面說要「勞人來」! 還越多越好! 我哩?! 人要白痴!也要有個限度! 現場就只有妳我二人,我真要把你怎樣,或是想逃逸,妳擋得住嗎? 就當著我的想說這種話,是想嚇唬我嗎? 妳的判斷力也太差了吧!我若是真的有「惡意」的惡人,妳現在是什麼下場?腦子是怎麼長的! 後來呢!好笑的發生了! 先來的是她的一個朋友,看來是一個 T婆,一到了,她就抱著她哭! 結果呢!看到我這麼大的一隻,看著她那被嚇到的眼神,想出頭也不敢出聲, 我都快笑出來了!(妳娘卡好,勞人勞這種的,我真出手妳們兩還活的了嗎?白目到極點了!) 結果呢!T婆看情形不對,急急就走! 此時!又來了一台車,她所「勞」的第二撥人! 就是她爸媽! 真他媽的!就勞這種人,我要真是壞人,真要發作,妳是想讓妳老父老母替妳陪葬是不是! 結果又來了!看我這麼大一隻!又不敢怎樣的躲躲閃閃的,連正眼看我的勇氣也沒! 好了!警察終於來了! 來了兩個死條子! 一下車就不甘不願,一副不想甩的像子,(老子忍了一股氣,不發作,看他們那死樣,真快受不了了!) 這兩個所謂的「人民?土地買賣澈O姆」!也不想查發生了什麼狀況, 一開始就打個官腔、裝個官樣,屌得不得了的樣子(據我的經驗,台灣的警察,一出場,就一定要先裝個官樣,一定要打個官腔來唬你,只要你是老百性!如果是法院的人,不管是書記官,或是法官,全是這個死樣子,一定要裝個官樣、耍個威瘋,欺負欺負不懂法律的老百性,好將大事化小,小事化無,總之,司法、警政人員,幾乎是我看過的公務人員中,最懶、最官、最愛唬老百性,好不做事的一群!幾乎全懶的要死!不過一問起來,就每個都說工作壓力好大,忙的要死!他們的媒體朋友們最多了,老是只報他們的工作有多累,從不去報,他們有多大的能耐推拖掉多少該作的工作) 警察第一句話,不是採證,既然是跟我說! 「這種事呢!可以和解!也可以法律解決!」 我當然是要他們法律解決! 他還一再暗示我,要我負「道義」的責任,意思就是賠點錢就算了! 我真是肏他媽! 我是好心幫她,她這頭中山狼,不向我道謝,還要我負責,我負什麼責? 你這個警察,叫你來採證,你不採證,囉哩八索什麼? 我說:「就法律解決,一切就交通法庭解決!」 他看唬我不過,只好拍照,做筆錄! 我說:「要我賠,等看法庭判決 宜蘭民宿,沒判決,我什麼也不賠!」 這時好玩的來了! 她的老娘,既然跟我說,你不要以為你長的「胖」,就要欺負人! 媽的! 現在是誰欺負誰啊! 妳他媽的老太婆,還「人身攻擊」! 後來問那頭女中山狠,當時她的車速多少, 她竟然老實說「五十」 警察不經意的都笑出來了,「那妳是超速了啊!」 她竟然說,就超速太快「黎田」! 喂!妳不是要俄詐我賠錢嗎? 連想都不想的啊! 警察說!那就是妳自已摔的啊! 她竟然說,我都摔成這樣,車壞了、血流成這樣,於是就哭起來! 我快笑出來了! 我說,妳他媽的白痴也要有個限度吧! 這小女孩,心眼又壞、腦袋又笨,要幹壞事都無腦, 最好氣也好笑的,是沒腦心眼又壞怎這樣! 看到她的父母,當時我真想問,你們的家庭教育是怎麼一回事啊! 怎麼教出這樣一個既壞心眼!又沒腦袋的女兒! 後來,警察蒐完證! 就各留下地址電話,離開了! 幾天後,交通法庭判我無罪無過失! 應該這樣就算了吧! 沒有! 那個白痴女孩竟然還打電話給我! 「喂!我就是上次車禍的那個」 「哦!怎樣!」 「交通法庭判我輸!你知道嗎?」 「嗯!」 「那你要不要賠我錢!」 「不要!」 「不要!這樣哦!哦!」 於 新成屋是她掛掉電話! 這什麼跟什麼嘛! 妳都被判輸了,都證明是妳自已的過失了,還要我賠錢, 在想些什麼啊? 什麼判斷力!什麼是非觀啊? 一、我要真是壞人,我早就逃逸了,還留著幹什麼? 二、勞人來!妳也別讓我聽到啊!在人來之前,我不會早嗎?我不會發怒對妳不利嗎? 三、妳勞的是什麼人啊!不怕被我打死嗎?來三個,根本都不經我一拳打!勞這種人是想害死他們嗎? 四、連要詐欺都不會!自已超速、闖紅燈還一下就跟警察說,做好筆錄!要訛詐人,妳他媽的也有點常識好嗎? 五、都判妳輸了,妳還要錢?妳是什麼大腦?當我白痴嗎? 真是莫名奇妙到頂的一件衰事! 整件事,讓我想了很多! 我們台灣人到底是怎麼搞的! 一、為什一遇事,就要先「勞人」,就沒有想到自已解決,就是喜歡人多勢力大,人多以為就是對的嗎? 二、警察怎麼那麼懶?你們是拿錢的!一遇事就要逃、就想私了,不要公事公辦!錢有那麼好賺嗎? 三、教育是出了什麼問題? 這麼年輕的小姑娘!一出事就是想耍無賴、就要勞人, 這是怎樣的一個文化? 好像在台灣,每個人一遇到事,就要「勞」一堆人才敢發聲,才敢主張自已的權力! 這是什麼樣的文化? 人多你就比較對!大聲你就 居酒屋比較對! 以前聽李敖說過:當他出獄出後,惟一的發現,就是台灣人更「渾」了!腦袋更「渾」了! 他坐過兩次牢,兩次都有同樣的感受! 事實上,我每天看到這麼多的台灣人,活在這裏這麼久, 真的發現,「渾」人是一天比一天多, 台灣人的腦袋,真是一天比一天「渾」! 不想招惹上,這些人也會自已招惹上來! 總覺得活在這裏,莫名奇妙的事,真是越來越多,莫名奇妙的人,也是越來越多, 躲也躲不掉!真是可衰極了! (後來我一直在想,如果當時不是在馬路上,而是在荒跤野外,我真想直接刨個坑,把那笨女人活埋了算了,心眼壞成這樣,又笨成這樣,活著,也是浪費米糧! 也幹壞事!當壞人!最少妳也聰明一點嘛! 又壞又蠢!真是莫名奇妙!這種人怎麼生存下去! 她真是命好!當時我剛好憂鬱症發作,我自制力夠強, 既不想當場跟她吵,也不想計較!當然啦!當時我吃藥治療的也差不多了! 再早幾天,我就不知道我會不會就這樣輕易跟她善了! 連後來她還敢打電話,再來要錢,我也不出惡言! 我的肚量也真是夠好的! 這女人真是莫名奇妙到頂!) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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          [轉載] 日兩性革命 肉食女等著獵殺草食男 編譯鄭曉蘭/特稿 還 以為日本人對於愛情是「男性主動、女性被動」的話,就太落伍了。日本如今二十多至三十出頭的男女,對於愛情以及性愛態度出現 宜蘭民宿大逆轉,甚至出現所謂的「草食 男」以及「肉食女」的新名詞,來形容這種顛覆刻板印象的男女新形象。日本眾多媒體探討相關現象, 墾丁民宿形容在日本的戀愛大草原上,溫吞被動的「草食男」只管安靜 低頭吃草,四周則環伺著渴望嫁到如意郎君的「肉食女」,摩拳擦掌隨時準備一口吞掉獵物。 日月潭民宿 男人對愛變消極 女人等不及 日 本各項相關調查都顯示,二十多至三十出頭的男女中,男性對於戀愛、性愛以及結婚,明顯較女性消極。日本「每日新聞」的報導?麻辣鍋仍ㄓ峞A許多年輕男性表示沒女友 也不會焦慮,覺得主動追求或參加聯誼很麻煩,身邊同齡友人大多數都有同感。反觀同年齡層的女性卻積極參與所謂的「婚活」(婚姻活動),對於心?麻辣火鍋鶾龠H大膽求 愛,同時也勇於表達本身對於性愛的需求。 稱影集慾望城市主角 繆斯女神 在此情況下,「草食男」與「肉食女」,近一、兩年開始成為流行的新用語。不僅有介紹此 火鍋吃到飽社會現象的書籍出版,各大女性流行雜誌還推出「徹底解析草食男」或「草食男完全攻略手冊」等專欄,也有雜誌將美國著名影集「慾望城市」中四位火辣慾女,定位為「肉食女中的繆斯女神」。 創 造出「草食?盤纏銀兩k」新名詞的專欄作家深澤真紀分析,「草食男」在衣食無虞的時代中成長,養成不會主動爭取的習慣,此外眼見日本泡沫經濟以及全球經濟神話崩潰, 對於未來較為消極且不懷抱任何期待。反觀「肉食女」的出現,則可歸因於景氣惡 金瓜石民宿化、男性日益「草食化」,女性不得不積極採取行動,展開求愛大作戰。深澤也指 出,歸根究柢日本職場仍是個「男尊女卑」的世界,這也迫使女性必須另闢戰場,靠另一半提升生活品質。 日本對於「草食男」的定義包括不熱中戀愛或性愛、維持淡泊的異性交往?九份民宿狾﹛B不主動追求任何事物、較敏感怕受傷害等。「肉食女」則指對於釣到條件好的金龜婿擁有旺盛企圖心以及行動力、戀愛體質以及熱中性愛等。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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          Security concerns keep 1 in 8 EU residents from e-shopping -- 歐盟居民中有八分之一因擔憂網路安全而避免網路購物 Security concerns keep 1 in 8 EU residents from e-shopping 08/02/2008 by Carla Moore One in eight people in the EU 27 avoids e-shopping due to security concerns, says a study conducted by Eurostat, the statistics office of the EU. The data for this study was collected from the 2006 and 2007 surveys on information and communication techn 信用貸款ologies (ICT) usage of individuals from ages 16-74 residing in the EU27. The study found an overall increase in the percentage of individuals turning to the internet for a range of services like shopping and banking. According to Eurostat, the percentage of internet users, defined as individuals aged 16-74 who had used the internet in the last three months, increased from 52 per cent of 租房子 all individuals in 2006 to 57 per cent in 2007. The percentage of e-shoppers, or individuals who have ordered goods or services online, increased from 24 per cent in 2005 to 30 per cent in 2007. The country with the most e-shoppers in is Denmark (55 per cent) followed by the Netherlands (55 per cent), Sweden and the United Kingdom (both 53 per cent). The countries with the least e-shoppers are Bulgari 澎湖民宿a and Romania (both 3 per cent) followed by Lithuania (6 per cent). E-banking also saw an increase in the EU27, with the percentage of individuals using internet banking services increasing from 38 per cent to 44 per cent. E-banking is most prevalent in Finland (84 per cent) followed by Estonia (83 per cent) and the Netherlands. The countries with the least e-banking activity are Bulgaria (5 per cent), Romania (7 per ce 土地買賣nt) and Greece (12 per cent). While many EU residents are using the internet for shopping and banking, there are still some that are concerned about security. E-commerce is affected by this concern over security, with 12 per cent of individuals in the EU27 saying that they avoided ordering goods or services over the internet because of worries about giving credit card or personal details online. These security and privacy concerns wer 酒店經紀e most common in Spain (27 per cent), Finland (26 per cent) and Cyprus (20 per cent). Another internet security concern is internet viruses. Nearly a quarter of internet users had had a computer virus in the preceding 12 months, which resulted in a loss of information or time. Virus attacks were most frequent in Lithuania (41 per cent of users), Slovenia (35 per cent) and Malta (34 per cent) and least common in the Czech Republic (7 per cent), Estoni 591a (15 per cent) and Sweden (16 per cent). Nearly a quarter of internet users say they always or almost always made safety copies or back up files from their computer. The highest proportions of individuals making safety copies were found in Greece (43 per cent of users), France (35 per cent) and Malta (34 per cent), and the lowest in Poland (13 per cent), Estonia (14 per cent) and Sweden (15 per cent). http://www.digitalmediaasia.com/default.asp?ArticleID=29338# 系統傢俱 歐盟網路安全大調查 丹麥荷蘭網上購物最流行 2008-02-09 09:40:53  來源:國際線上專稿  編輯:姚培 國際線上專稿(記者王堅):在2月12日第5個歐盟“網路安全日”到來前夕,歐盟統計局8日公佈的一份調查顯示,網上購物在丹麥和荷蘭最為流行。而在歐盟最年輕的兩個成員國保加利亞和羅馬尼亞,人們對這種購物方式似乎還不習慣。   這項自2006年至2007年間展開的調查,對象涉及歐盟27個成員國16歲到74歲的網民。根據調查結果,從事網上購物的歐盟人口比例逐年上升,從2005年的24%增至2007年的30%。所佔人口比例最高的歐盟成 宜蘭民宿員國是丹麥和荷蘭,均達到55%;其次是瑞典和英國,為53%;而所佔人口比例最低的則是最新加入歐盟的保加利亞和羅馬尼亞,都只有3%。   調查結果還顯示,有12%的歐盟公民在此前的一年裏從未上網購物,他們主要是擔心自己的信用卡資料或其他個人資訊被線上竊取。其中,西班牙人和芬蘭人對網上購物的安全性最不放心,拒絕上網購物的人口比例分別高達27%和26%。   調查同時發現,歐盟的網上銀行業務也呈日趨流行之勢,用戶比例從2006年的38%上升至2007年的44%。網上銀行用戶比例最高的歐盟成員國是芬蘭和愛沙尼亞,分別達84%和83%;最 土地買賣低的仍是保加利亞和羅馬尼亞,分別是5%和7%。   另外,根據調查結果,近四分之一的歐盟網路用戶在過去一年裏遭遇過至少一次病毒襲擊,最嚴重的情況發生在立陶宛、斯洛維尼亞和馬爾他,分別有41%、35%和34%的網民經歷過病毒之苦。而在捷克、愛沙尼亞和瑞典三國上網安全性最高,有過染毒記錄的網路用戶分別只有7%、15%和16%。http://big5.chinabroadcast.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/18504/2008/02/09/2945@1940489.htm   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 591  .

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